Penola High School is situated at the Eastern end of Cameron Street. Its 50th anniversary was celebrated on the long weekend in March 2012. Saturday March 10 was an Open Day at the School from 11.00 am – 4.00 pm with a range of activities and events such as a roll call, Reunion cake cutting, self guided tours & bus runs, sausage sizzle lunch etc. On Saturday night, 300 attended the dinner held in Rymill Hall and on Sunday many attended the family brunch in the school quadrangle. This event was a geat opportunity for those with connections with PHS to catch up with each other and over 500 people did just that on that memorable weekend
Visit the Penola High School website
or check the Penola High school facebook pages
Camawald cottage hosts both were staff at Penola High,
John Deputy Principal 1976-1993 & Sue a teacher 1978-1982